We are fast approaching the end of Year 3 for BD_Collective and I thought it was timely to take a few minutes to reflect on the developments and where I think we might be getting stuck. 
We have recently refreshed the website including a new definition for BD_Collective.  Do take a few minutes to have a look here.  In all honesty, this has taken many conversations and involved both the Steering Group and Design Team in its development.  BD_Collective is not an organisation, its primary purpose is to create/facilitate an environment of collaboration, trust, accountability and power sharing across the social sector in Barking & Dagenham.  Therefore, defining this is more about behaviours than activity.  The outcomes are around the change we want to see across the borough as these values and behaviours are practised. It’s challenging and it’s radical!  It is being measured by our learning partner. 

Read more here.