As you know, our learning partner Ratio, has prepared a short summary of learning about the BD_Collective in its second year. In addition, over the summer, Ratio is posting short notes on the 13 parts described in the podcast (at the same link).

We would like to invite you to one of two workshops at 11am on the 3rd of September or 11am on the 6th of September to give your reflections on the learning so far.

If you would like to sign up for these meetings:

3rd September 11am

6th September 11am

The findings of these meetings will be used to refine the findings, and form the basis for a further discussion at the BD_Collective Year 2 Event at 9.30am on the 16th of September. BD_Collective End of Year 2 Event Tickets, Thu 16 Sep 2021 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

If, alternatively, you would like to talk to Michael Little directly about the learning, he is keeping slots from 9am to 11am, and from 12 Noon to 4pm on the 6th of September. Please contact him directly on: