It’s hard to keep you all up to date with what’s happening across BD_Collective, there is SO much happening. We do our best to ensure the information is transparent and easy to find and we are keen to hear from you about how we can improve that. However, we recognise too that sometimes it’s handy to have the information in one place and so I’ve tried to provide a brief summary of key developments and where to find out more information.

New Networks
We have recently seen the development of the Women’s Network, the Migrant Network, the Faith Leaders Network and the JDS Creative Wellness Network – if you’d like to connect up with one of them, you can find out how either through Discourse or the website. If you’re not yet signed up to Discourse – you can do so via this link.

If you want to set up a network, do contact Ruth Robertson or get started here.

Current consortia updates can be found on the activity tracker – there are a number now in operation including Early Help, Mental Health for Older People and another for Younger People, Infant Feeding and Localities. These consortia add up to around £2.2million and involve around 33 different organisations. There are more opportunities developing and we are keen to spread to other organisations. Most of this has been developed through networks – so it’s worth considering how to get connected with others.

Additional funding pots
BD_Collective have managed 3 other smaller pots of funding around social isolation, Community Chest and Neighbourhood Networks (£130,000). We’re exploring how to distribute these in a way that the organisations involved get to make the decisions – early stages but these small pots give an opportunity to practice a new way of approaching funding and decisions.

Find an organisation
Are you listed here? Great way to find out who does what locally. If you are not yet listed and want to be then please fill in this onboarding form.

Network Pot
The Network Pot currently sits at just under £49,000. You can find out what it’s being spent on here. Networks can apply to utilise this money for bid writing for consortium funding, network development and remuneration for representation.

New Leadership
We have a new leadership team in place. Their focus is to shape the future of BD_Collective – we are at a vital stage in development and together we will determine how we move forward.

Pipeline initiatives– details will be released in the next few weeks

  • Together We Lead Learning Report launch: Michael Little (Ratio) has now concluded his learning role and has written a final report. We will launch this later this week and follow it up with a series of 4 conversations with high-profile speakers who will bring reflection and challenge to us as a sector. The first one is on 28th June 5.30 – 7pm with a drinks reception. Really looking forward to exploring together the role of civil society locally. We have developed so much in the borough over the last 4 years and now we have the chance to build on it.
  • Hospital Discharge consortium opportunity: exploring how we develop an effective community-based model for people who are socially isolated – more details to follow soon via Discourse.
  • Community Assets Consortia: exploring how we ensure community assets are utilised for many organisations rather than a few – details coming out very soon via Discourse
  • Prototyping Hackathon’: working with the UCL team at Pearl we are hosting an event on 17th July that will explore how we approach social issues with curiosity to discover what works, rather than present a project that has the answers. We will be sending out invitations to those involved in the ‘additional funding pot’ initiatives described above but if you would like to be involved with your team – do just email and register your interest.